DK Gel Dusting Powder

DK Gel Dusting Powder-100gm-Hegde and Hegde Pharmaceutical LLP


Offer: 3.3%


Content-Miconazole (2% w/w)

Company-Hegde and Hegde Pharmaceutical LLP

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Benefits of DK Gel Dusting Powder

In the treatment of Fungal pores and skin infections:

DK Gel Dusting Powder is an antifungal remedy. It kills and forestalls the growth of fungus. This relieves the signs as a result of the infection. it can be used to treat infections such as athlete’s foot, Dhobie Itch, thrush, ringworm, and dry, flaky pores and skin. You must preserve using it for so long as it’s miles prescribed even if your symptoms have long gone. this may prevent the infection from coming lower back. the use of this medication as prescribed will relieve aches and itching and can assist you in feeling greater comfy together with your pores and skin.

Side effects of DK Gel Dusting Powder

Most aspect effects do not require any clinical interest and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. seek advice from your physician in the event that they persist or in case you’re concerned about them

Common side effects of DK

Vaginal burning sensation
Genital itching
Vulvovaginal pain
pain in the course of periods

How to use DK Gel Dusting Powder

This medication is for external use simplest. Use this medication within the dose and duration as suggested by way of your health practitioner. take a look at the label for guidelines before use. easy and dry the affected location before the software and do not rub.

How DK Gel Dusting Powder works

DK Gel Dusting Powder is an antifungal remedy that treats skin infections. it really works by killing the fungi at the pores and skin with the aid of destroying their mobile membrane.
