Exim Cure has a very powerful effect on listed troubles of Eczema & Psoriasis.
Frequent urination
Excessive thirst
Increased hunger
Weight loss
Lack of interest and concentration
A tingling sensation or numbness in the hands or feet
Blurred vision
Frequent infections
Slow-healing wounds
Vomiting and stomach pain (often mistaken as the flu)
Intense Itch- Eczema: Scratching too much can cause a break in the skin. This allows bacteria or viruses to enter and can lead to infection. Sometimes, long-term use of medications to control eczema can also cause complications. A topic Dermatitis (which is often called eczema) is an itchy, red rash. It can appear all over the body. Many people have it on their elbows or behind their knees. Babies often have eczema on the face, especially the cheeks and chin. They can also have it on the scalp, trunk (chest and back), and outer arms and legs. Eczim Cure is very much effective in curing eczema & its related troubles and insures no relapse.
Unic Enzyme-30ml-Jhactions Homeo
60.00 ₹
Flacid 1 x 0.70 ml,
Gels 1 x 0.60 ml,
Geranium MAC Q 1.00 ml,
Silicea 3 x 0.40 ml,
Teucricum Q 1.25 ml,
Chelidonium 1 x 0.70.ml,
Sulphur 3 x 0.35 ml.